120. Belgrade Critical mass — My world’s on fire, how ‘bout yours?!

120. kritična masa

The 120th Critical Mass bike protest in Belgrade is dedicated to our planet’s future. Because without mutual cooperation of all countries, all of our world and lives will be on fire. So, see you on Saturday 30 October at 14:30 (2:30 PM). We’re starting the bicycle ride from Trg Nikole Pašića.

The route will take us by a number of embassies, including some of the countries that are the biggest polluters, currently and historically: China, the USA, Russia, and the UK, host of COP26. 

Activists across the world are gathering in October to send a clear message: take the climate crisis seriously now, or none of us will be here tomorrow. 

From the 31st of October, decision makers from UN member states around the world are gathering in Glasgow to talk about the measures they will take against the climate crisis. On Saturday the 30th of October, together with Extinction Rebellion Serbia, we cyclists are gathering to send a clear message: Act now! The first summit, COP1 was held in 1995; the most famous one was in 2015, when the Paris agreement was signed. However, since the Paris agreement, CO2 emissions have kept on rising. 

Povećanje emisija CO2 u atmosferi od COP1 do COP26
Increasing CO2 emissions from COP1 to COP26 (https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-atmospheric-carbon-dioxide

Three decades of empty promises led us to a global climate emergency that is happening now: more frequent and more intense floods, wildfires and extreme temperature events are already part of our reality. And Serbia is not excluded from this crisis. Droughts, longer summers, flash floods and a shorter time for plants to adjust and prepare for winter are already devastating agriculture and human lives all across the country. 

COP26 is promoted as a solution to the climate crisis, but in reality it looks likely to be another gathering of decision makers where they will agree to postpone the real solutions once again. It’s high time for all countries to invest in green solutions, and not greenwashing. The world needs sustainable mobility, green infrastructures, renewable energy and an immediate stop to fossil fuel investments, single-use plastics, and other pollutants, not promises about changes in the future.

See you on Saturday, 30.10.2021. in the autumn-winter period from 14:30 on Nikola Pašić Square.

Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/257202492870774

Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/37690351

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