Pre no se osvrnemo na biciklističke staze u Beogradu, treba reći nešto o ogromnom potencijalu naše prestonice kada je reč o urbanom biciklanju. Biciklizam ima sve više poklonika u svetu, ne samo kao sport, rekreacija, nego i kao vid održivog prevoza koji svakom pojedincu donosi ogroman benefit: ekonomski i zdravstveni. U Evropi postoji čitava mreža biciklističkih koridora. Evropska biciklistička federacija je pre više od 20 godina, tačnije 1995. počela sa projektom EuroVelo, odnosno “crtanjem” biciklističkih deonica koje se protežu celim evropskim kontinentom i na najbolji način ga povezuju.
U ovom trenutku trasirano je 15 ruta ukupne dužine od oko 40.000 kilometara, a plan je da se ova brojka poveća na više od 70.000 kilometara. Čak tri rute Eurovelo prolaze kroz Srbiju. Rute 6, 11 i 13.
Ova ruta, duga 3.653 kilometara, proteže se od obala Atlantskog okeana u Francuskoj, prati rečne tokove Loare, Sene, Rajne, a zatim Dunav u skoro celom njegovom toku. Završava se na delti Dunava, odnosno u rumunskoj luci Konstanci. EV6 prati Dunav i u Srbiji i prolazi kroz Novi Sad i Beograd.
EuroVelo 11
Kako stići od krajnjeg severa Norveške do Atine? Prateći ovu, prilično pravolinijsku, istočnoevropsku rutu, dugu skoro 6.000 kilometara, proći ćete kroz Finsku, Baltičke države, Poljsku, Slovačku i Mađarsku. Kroz Srbiju, ruta prati autoput od Subotice, preko Beograda, Niša, pa do Preševa, zatim se spušta do Skoplja, Soluna i Atine.
EuroVelo 13
Ovo je ubedljivo najduža ruta sa preko 10.000 kilometara i prati nekadašnje granice Istočnog bloka, ali namerno krivudajući oko “čelične zavese”. Na taj način malo je u nekadašnjem “istočnom”, a malo “zapadnom bloku”. U Srbiju ulazi u blizini tromeđe sa Rumunijom i Mađarskom, a zatim prati granicu između naše zemlje i Rumunije, prelazi preko Dunava i ulazi u Timočku krajinu. Kod Dimitrovgrada prelazi u Bugarsku. (Izvor Mondo)
Mnogo puta vidim bicikliste koji prolaze kroz Zemun, najčuvenijom rutom, šesticom. Strani bici gosti voze kroz ulicu Cara Dušana koja nema biciklističkih staza, probijajući se kroz uzavreli prestonički saobraćaj.
Kada su u pitanju biciklističke staze u Beogradu, preporučujem nedavno završenu na potezu Hotel Jugoslavija – Ušće na Novom Beogradu. Bez obzira što je duga samo dva kilometra, na unutrašnjem prstenu, zaista svojom dobrom podlogom i zadovoljavajućom širinom od 3,5 metara, predstavlja standard koji bi trebalo da imaju sve biciklističke staze u Beogradu. Pošto meni dužina te staze nije dovoljna, prelazim rekonstruisanom stranom pešačke staze Brankov most, spuštam se i dalje jedinim biciklističkim liftom ( radi do 22.00) na savsku stranu i onda pored projekta Beograd na vodi, gde se vozim po sjajnoj, ali i tu prekratkoj, novouređenoj biciklističkoj stazi i potezu između mastodonta gradilišta, izlazim do Mosta na Adi i do samog Savskog jezera. Tamo me čeka 7,5 km staze pored samog jezera, tačnije, 8 km unutrašnjeg prstena biciklističkih staza. Kući u Zemun se vraćam odličnom stazom na Mostu na Adi, koja se na Novom Beogradu, ponegde gubi u devastiranom asfaltu, a ponegde je moguće pratiti je. Tako do Tošinog Bunara i meni mrskog Prilaza (ulica Jakuba Kuburovića koja vodi u Prvomajsku gde od staza nema ni pomena) gde uglavnom stisnutih zuba balansiram kroz zastrašujuće gužve u automobilskom saobraćaju.
Ipak, pokušajte od napr. naselja Stepa da se biciklom spustite u centar grada!? Biće to posebno ekstreman doživljaj na koji su spremni samo hrabri!
Batajnica kroz koju npr. prolazi pominjana ruta Euro Velo 6, Zemun polje, Galenika, Gornji Zemun, Ovča, Borča , Kotež, Krnjača, Dobanovci, Surčin, Ledine, Rakovica Vidikovac Žarkovo… ne postoje na mapi biciklističkih staza u Beogradu.
Biciklističke staze u Beogradu: trenutno ih je oko 85 kilometara. Neka rešenja su sporna, kao što je ono na Slaviji, neke rute zastrašujuće, bar meni, kao što je vožnja kroz Ruzveltovu (sukob sa pešacima na stazi), ili Bulevarom gde se vozite kroz ogromne auto gužve paralelno sa šinskim saobraćajem i zglobnim gradskim autobusima. Od toga je još 7,5 kilometara od marine Dorćol na obali Dunava obalom Save do Ade Ciganlije. Na Novom Beogradu i u Zemunu staze su ukupno dugačke 50 kilometara. Prolaze skoro kroz sve novobeogradske blokove. Bici traka dužine 4,5 kilometara povezuje pravac od skvera Topčiderska zvezda, kroz ulice Vojvode Putnika, Aleksandra Karađorđevića do kružnog toka kod RTV „Pink”, i potom Neznanog junaka i Crnotravskom do Sportskog centra „Banjica”. Savski nasip počinje faktički od Omladinskih brigada i do Ostružničkog mosta možete voziti 9,5 kilometara.
Za sve nas bicikliste, i početnike i iskusnije, domaće i goste, ne bi bilo loše, sada, u letnjoj sezoni, ipak biciklom izaći iz grada. U tom smislu, evo nekoliko preporuka za biciklističke staze u Beogradu, koje to i nisu oficijelno. Ili jesu, kako se uzme.
Prvo ću Vam preporučiti onu koju ja vozim a imate je detaljno i na ovom blogu. Ova staza počinje na Pupinovom mostu u Zemunu. Do njega se stiže da bi se zaobišle gužve u ulici Cara Dušana preko Pregrevice. Ta staza produžava dalje prema Borči dok se na putu ne izgubi. Posle mosta se zato siđe stepenicama ili nizbrdicom do nasipa i nastavi se pristojnim zemljanim putem. Kod Crvenke se već možete prebaciti na sam nasip da bi uživali u rečnoj flori i fauni. Direktan prenos Dunava. Prekrasno je. Tim putem možete doći direktno do Zrenjaninca.
Druga tura je da Savskim nasipom, koji jeste deo Savske biciklističke rute odete do Ostružničkog mosta pa preko Jakova i Boljevaca sve do osvežavajuće Bojčinske šume, a vratite se putem preko Surčina. Ova tura ima preko šezdeset kilometara, što je za mene previše. Najviše volim ture od četrdesetak kilometara, ne više.
I konačno, za one izdržljive i sklone ozbiljnijim naporima (potpisnica ovih redova je žena) je odlazak bajkom do Avale. Ruta za odlazak biciklom je Bulevarom oslobođenja, pa preko Jajinaca i motela Hiljadu ruža, odakle počinje uspon.
Za mene, koja bicikl gura i pored Hajd parka do Topčiderske zvezde, ovaj izlet je i peške samo sfera fantastike.
Biciklističke staze u Beogradu? Pitate za njih?
Planirano je još 120 kilometara istih. Vi držite palčeve, a mi ćemo se i dalje, kao do sada, boriti da ne ostanu mrtvo slovo na papiru.
Bicycle paths in Belgrade
Before we take a closer look at cycle paths in Belgrade, we should touch upon the vast potential of our capital as regards European cycling. Cycling attracts more and more followers in the world, not only as a sports or leisure activity, but also as a sustainable means of transport, which brings enormous benefits to each individual, both economically and health-wise. There is an entire network of cycling corridors in Europe. Twenty years ago, namely in 1995, the European Cyclists’ Federation launched the EuroVelo Project, that is, started “drawing” cycling sections which extend over the whole European continent and connect it in the best possible way.
Currently, 15 routes totalling 40,000 kilometres in length are marked, while it is planned to have this figure increased to more than 70,000 kilometres. Even three EuroVelo routes pass through Serbia – Routes 6, 11 and 13.
EuroVelo 6
This 3,653 kilometres’ long route extends from the French Atlantic coast and runs along the river flows of the Loire, the Seine, the Rhine and then the entire flow of the Danube. It ends at the Danube Delta, in the Romanian Port of Constanta. EV6 also goes along the Danube in Serbia and passes through Novi Sad and Belgrade.
EuroVelo 11
How can you reach Athens from the farthest north of Norway? On your way along this rather straight-lined Eastern European route, almost 6,000 kilometres long, you will pass through Finland, the Baltic States, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. The section of this route in Serbia goes along the motorway from Subotica, via Belgrade and Niš, and all the way to Preševo, wherefrom it goes down to Skopje, Thessaloniki and Athens.
EuroVelo 13
This is undoubtedly the longest route of more than 10,000 kilometres long and it goes along the former borders of the Eastern Bloc, but intentionally around the Iron Curtain. Thus, a part of it is in the former “Eastern” and a part of it in the “Western Bloc”. It enters Serbia in the vicinity of the three-country border with Romania and Hungary, and then goes along the border between our country and Romania, crossing over the Danube and entering Timočka krajina (the Timok Frontier). It enters Bulgaria by Dimitrovgrad. (refer to
I often see cyclists riding through Zemun along the best known route, number six. Foreign cycling guests ride through Cara Dušana Street, which does not have any cycle lanes, forcing their way through the bustling traffic of the capital.
As regards cycle paths, I would recommend the latest one on the stretch between the Jugoslavija Hotel and Ušće in New Belgrade. Even though it is only 2 kilometres long in the inner ring, this route, with its genuinely good base and satisfactory width of 3.5 metres, represents the standard which all cycle paths in Belgrade should meet. As I do not find that path to be long enough, I cross the Branko’s Bridge along the footpath of its reconstructed side, I descend by the only cyclists’ lift still (open for use until 22:00 hours) to reach the bank of the Sava River and then pass the Belgrade Waterfront, where I ride along a marvellous, but too short newly designed cycle path on the stretch between the gigantic constructions of a building site, coming out to the Ada Bridge and the very Sava lake. It is there that 7.5-kilometre path on the brim of the very lake awaits, or, to be precise, 8 kilometres of the inner ring of cycle paths. I return home in Zemun along a wonderful path on the Ada Bridge, which in some parts in New Belgrade wears away in devastated tarmac, whereas in other parts it can be steadily traced. Along this way I reach Tošin Bunar Street and Prilaz (Jakuba Kuburovića Street leading to Prvomajska Street, where there is still no mention of cycle paths), which I personally detest and where I balance my way through the frighteningly heavy traffic, gritting my teeth.
Nonetheless, do try to go down to the city centre from the Stepa residential complex by bike! That will be a particularly nerve-racking experience which only the boldest ones dare to undergo!
Batajnica, which the aforementioned EuroVelo 6 rute goes through, Zemun Polje, Galenika, Gornji Zemun, Ovča, Borča , Kotež, Krnjača, Dobanovci, Surčin, Ledine, Rakovica, Vidikovac, Žarkovo… do not exist on the map of cycle paths in Belgrade.
Belgrade currently has 85 kilometres of cycle paths. Some of the solutions such as the one on the Slavija Square, are disputable; Some of the routes, or at least for me, are daunting, such as a ride through Ruzveltova Street or Kralja Aleksandra Boulevard, where you ride through congested motor traffic, running in parallel to trams and articulated buses. The cycle paths include 7.5 kilometres stretching from the Dorćol Dock on the bank of the Danube and running along the Sava bank to Ada Ciganlija. The paths in New Belgrade and Zemun total 50 kilometres in length. They run through almost all New Belgrade city blocks. A 4.5-kilometre path connects the Square of Topčiderska Zvezda to the roundabout by the Pink Television and Radio Station, via Vojvode Putnika and Aleksandra Karađorđevića streets, going further along Neznanog Junaka and Crnotravska streets to the Banjica Sports Centre. The Sava embankment actually starts at Omladinskih Brigada Street and you can ride for 9.5 kilometres to Ostružnički Bridge.
It would be a good idea, however, for all of us cyclists, both beginners and old-timers, locals as well as guests, to leave the city on a bicycle, at least now, in the summer season. In that context, here are a few recommended cycle paths in Belgrade, which do not bear that name officially. Or they do, depending on how one sees them.
I would first of all like to recommend a path I ride along, which you can find more details about on this blog. This path begins at the Pupin Bridge in Zemun. This bridge can be reached through Pregrevica so as to avoid the traffic jams in Cara Dušana Street. It goes further to Borča until it is lost on the way. However, after the bridge, you can descend the stairs or go downhill to the embankment and continue along a decent earthen road. At Crvenka, you may already cross over to the very embankment to enjoy the river flora and fauna. The Danube live. Breath-taking. Along this way, you can directly reach Zrenjaninac.
Another tour to take is along the Sava embankment, which is a part of the Sava cyclists’ route, to Ostružnički Bridge and further on, all the way to the refreshing Bojčinska wood, via Jakovo and Boljevci, and then you can go back along the way through Surčin. This tour is over 60 kilometres long, which is a bit too much for me. The tours I love the best are up to 40 kilometres long, not more.
And finally, those with great stamina and with a tendency to take severe strains (the author of this text is a woman!) should set off to Avala on a bicycle. The bicycle route to follow is along Bulevar Oslobođenja, via Jajinci and the Hiljadu Ruža motel, wherefrom the ascent starts.
For someone like me, who pushes a bicycle even along the way from Hyde Park to Topčiderska Zvezda, this picnic, even on foot exclusively, is the sphere of science-fiction.
Cycle paths in Belgrade? Are you interested in them?
The further 120 kilometres of them are planned. Keep your fingers crossed, and all of us in the Organization will continue to do our best, as we have done so far, to have the plans implemented.
(prevod: Aleksandra Vitas)
Ne mogu da ostavim komentar na fb, pa ću ovde.
Tebi i biciklistima želim nove, zdrave i prave staze po Beogradu.
Ne one nacrtane farbom _ _ _ i kao to je staza.
Ovaj grad je divan za bicikliranje, samo fali svest da biciklisti postoje.
Hvala, blogerko. Da i Ti voziš sa nama!
[…] jednom a snimajući drugom rukom, i napravio za vas ovu četvorominutnu timelapse retrospektivu biciklističkom stazom Ada – Dorćol. Uživajte […]
[…] je prvenstveno i objavljen na blogu Ulica. Spoj je svega onoga što sam istražila po netu, čula od drugih aktivnih biciklista i […]
Savski nasip kod Jakova je lep ali ne mogu da se setim da li je onaj povišeni deo, sa koga se vidi reka, asfaltiran ili je samo zemlja..
Stvarno koristan članak! Biciklizam je u porastu, a biciklisti su svakodnevni učesnici u prometu. Biciklizam se također sve više uključuje u turizam, pa će se veliki gradovi morati više pobrinuti za izgradnju biciklističkih staza. Kao organizatori team building događanja dobro znamo što znači sigurnost biciklista ako u gradu ne postoje biciklističke staze.